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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Top Meta Responses and other information

Students need to be reading all the time. To help ensure this is happening at home parents are to provide time for them to read and sign off when its due. To further challenge their thinking and start conversations at home about what 4th graders are reading, their is a meta-response on the back. This is for 4th graders to reflect upon what they are reading and explain what they are thinking about as they are reading. Are they making connections? Are they asking questions?

In addition, a strong response explains why by using the "because" and gives specific details of character names and ideas. Below are two exemplars that do just that! Keep it up

When I was reading: "The Serpent Shroud" I thought about: "how funny it was when a Jack in the box blew up in Carter's face because I've never seen the it happen."

When I was reading: "Farmer Boy I made a text-to-text connection." I thought about: "how in Farmer Boy, Almanzo always has to do chores and in the Harry Potter series Harry is always doing chores for the Derslys."

This week we have begun drafting their realistic fiction stories. Be on the lookout for writing homework. We plan on having the final copies due the last week before Winter Break.

Stay healthy and keep us posted if your child is sick,
Mr. Rabinowitz

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