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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Friday and Halloween Humor

On Friday will be having a spelling test, and writing some scary sensory stories. At 2:30 4th graders will particpate in the school parade. Students walk around the building as a school. Afterwards we will be having a party in the classrooms.

I found this on the internet:
What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?

Answer is backwards (oobmab)

Do you know any Halloween humor?
Mr. Rabinowitz

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Field Trip

Our first field trip is to DAD’s Landfill on October 19th.
We are leaving the school at 11:00 and then going to Central Park to eat lunch.
Students need to bring a sack lunch. Those getting hot lunch will get a sack lunch.
Then we are going to the landfill where we will have a bus tour of the landfill.
The tour should be around an hour long- 12:30-1:30 and then we will come back to the school.

We will not need any chaperones.

4th grade team


This site was created for all families and staff to download pictures for the yearbook. Please ask your families to download pictures from any and all events and to label whatever they can...names, events, dates, etc.

Go to

Log on to the school site for pictures and upload your pictures from the latest event.

Here is the login information:

password : stapleton

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Dear 4th Grade Parents:

Pattie Glassick is in need of several volunteers to help prepare the 4th Grade Art Show next week.

She would like 2 volunteers to mat (and hang) art on Monday, October 10. Ideally, she would like the volunteers to come anytime between 11:45-1:45 (herplanning and lunch) so that she can take time to give the volunteers directions.

She would also like 2 volunteers to come on Tuesday, October 11 between 11:45-1:45 to finish matting and hanging the remaining pieces.
Please email me at with your name, phone number and day you are able to volunteer.

Best wishes,
Emily Kosakowski

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Up in the Sky


UARS, a NASA satellite the size of a small bus, will re-enter Earth's atmosphere later this week producing a brilliant fireball somewhere over our planet. Best estimates place the re-entry time during the late hours of Sept. 23rd over a still-unknown region of Earth. Observers of the rapidly-decaying satellite say it is tumbling and flashing, sometimes almost as brightly as Venus. It’s re-entry may cause a fireball bright enough to be seen during daylight hours! Images of the UARS have also been shown on the SpaceWeather website:

If you would like to catch a last glimpse of UARS streaking across the night sky, check Space Weather's Satellite Tracker for flyby times: . You can also turn your smartphone into a UARS tracker by downloading our Simple Flybys app:

New subscribers can sign up for free space weather alerts at: It’s well worth your while to do so!

Ralph Sodano
Steele Planetarium

Monday, October 3, 2011


Dear 4th Grade Parents:

Pattie Glassick is in need of several volunteers to help prepare the 4th Grade Art Show next week.

She would like 2 volunteers to mat (and hang) art on Monday, October 10. Ideally, she would like the volunteers to come anytime between 11:45-1:45 (herplanning and lunch) so that she can take time to give the volunteers directions.

She would also like 2 volunteers to come on Tuesday, October 11 between 11:45-1:45 to finish matting and hanging the remaining pieces.
Please email me at with your name, phone number and day you are able to volunteer.

Best wishes,
Emily Kosakowski

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Writing Celebration and goals.

This weekend, I have been correcting wonderful personal narratives. You will enjoy reading and hearing them. The final copies are also used for year long writing goals. We will have a writing party.

Parents are welcome to join at either time or both. Regardless, the writing will be saved for conferences and year long portfolios.

Am: Tuesday 9:20-9:50 and 10:45-12:15
Pm: Tuesday 1:30-3:30

Students' schedule to be determined on Monday.

Both classes. Encore and make ups: Friday at 3:15

Enjoy the vanishing daylight!

- knowledge is power