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Thursday, March 22, 2012

If your bored over break...

We watched this in class. Cheap and easy and instill the importance of not giving up.

Reading Log due on Friday.
All Country report notes due on Monday after break.

Above ankle socks for Ice Skating.


Monday, March 19, 2012


Students are beginning to research their country!

They are taking notes based on their research questions.

IT IS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY (PLEASE SUPPORT THEM) to find additional resources about their country. Even a visit to a bookstore without buying a book will go a long way. Review their questions. Look at their notes. Help them find resources.

All Notes are due the Monday after break.

This week we will learn how to cite sources, take two column notes, and discern trash from treasure when scanning information. In addition we will have book club and take a weekly spelling test. The reading log and spelling are both due as scheduled.

Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.


Thursday, March 8, 2012


Looking for a Few Good 4th Grade Parent Volunteers

Westerly Creek is excited to hold its first annual 5th grade Continuation Ceremony on Wednesday, May 23rd at 4:30pm. To prepare for this exciting event, we are seeking a few 4th grade parents who can help out with logistics, so that 5th grade parents can sit back and enjoy their students’ big day. Ideally this will be a tradition you too can enjoy next year when your child graduates from 5th grade. Regardless, we are looking for help with the following tasks: set-up, clean-up, passing out of programs, errand running(picking up materials), and manning a refreshment station. If you are interested in donating your afternoon to help this cause, please contact Assistant Principal, Marnie Moody Cooke at

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


All please follow the link below to register for a FREE youth basketball clinic put on by NCAA Division 1 coaches at South High School on March 31st. The clinic runs from 9am – 12:30pm. This is a very unique opportunity that will not come around often. It is run in conjunction with the Women’s Final Four that is being held here in Denver. Let me know if you have any questions and please push as many students to register as possible. It is open to students aged 8-16.

Justin Saylor

Manager of Athletics

Denver Public Schools


DPS High School Athletics

DPS Middle School Athletics


Dear Families,

This year Westerly Creek is producing its first annual school yearbook! The fifth graders are in the final steps of designing and organizing the book but need final photos in order to complete each page, that is where you come in! Please take a few minutes to submit any candid photos you have taken over the 2011-2012 school year to Mrs. FaJohn (2nd grade) at . The students will then create and design each page from there! Please submit all photos you have by March 12th. Also make sure to label the photos so we know who is who and the grade level as well! Thank you so much for your help!

Monday, March 5, 2012


Dear families,
Enrichment spots are still open, iincluding Karate, Cooking, Executive,Arts,Science and Guitar. Check out the link below…

Friday, March 2, 2012


Dear Westerly Creek Families of 3rd , 4th and 5th Grade Students,

The school year is flying before our eyes and we are quickly approaching the spring testing season. As you may know, we are working hard to ensure our students are engaged in high-level curricular conversations and critical thinking, via our daily literacy, math, science, social studies and specials instruction. We believe that a consistently rigorous approach to teaching students how to read, write, speak, listen and think in these content areas will prepare them well for the Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) in February and March.

The TCAP “is Colorado’s standards-based assessment designed to provide a picture of student performance to schools, districts, educators, parents and the community. The primary purpose of the assessment program is to determine the level at which Colorado students meet the Colorado Model Content Standards in the content areas assessed” (Colorado Department of Education website). DPS’s Interim Assessments are also standards-based and provide more regular information on how students perform on a multiple-choice/written response test format. Regardless, the TCAP is one data point among many that comprise a student’s academic Body of Evidence.

Although we appreciate the fact that the TCAP is a snapshot of student learning, we must also acknowledge the test’s sometimes far-reaching implications. TCAP is heavily weighted in our district and state school “report cards,” otherwise known as the School Performance Framework (SPF). Consequently, student performance on the TCAP can make a large impact on how our school is assessed, locally and across the state. Hence, we want to ensure all members of our community know its purposes and uses. We have discussed in length with 3rd grade students what the TCAP is, what it tells us, and how it is used, so please be prepared for some conversations with your child about testing.

Hopefully this context puts things in perspective. Here are some of the logistics you will need to know to ensure students are t prepared for the TCAP:

• 3rd grade Writing will be tested on 3/6and 3/7 from 9:30-10:30 in the morning.

• 3rd grade Math will be tested on 3/13 and 3/14 from 9:30-10:35 in the morning

• 4th grade Reading and Writing will be tested on 3/6-3/8 from 11-12 a.m. and 2-3 p.m.

• 4th grade Math will be tested on 3/13 from 11-12 a.m. and 2-3 pm. Their last session will be on 3/14 from 11-12 a.m.

• 5th grade Reading and Writing will be tested from 3/6-3/8 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 2-3 p.m.

• 5th grade Math will be tested on 3/13 and 3/14 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 2-3 p.m.

• 5th grade Science will begin the afternoon session on 3/14 (2-3 p.m.) and continue on 3/15 from 9:30-10:30 and 2-3 p.m.

During the testing window, please:

• Do your best to ensure your child has a good night’s sleep and has a healthy breakfast, so they are able to think well and marshall their energy for test-taking.

• Avoid scheduling non-urgent appointments so that students are present to test on the scheduled day. Studies show that most students perform better when testing with peers, than testing in a “make-up” session.

• Ensure your child gets to school on time (8:55am), so that he/she may test with peers, rather than sitting in a “late” room awaiting peers’ completion of the test. We cannot admit any late 3rd grade students to testing rooms after testing begins and they must make-up the test before re-joining their peers in normal school-day activities.

Please contact your child’s teacher(s) or one of us for any additional questions or concerns. We look forward to a successful testing experience for all our students.


The Westerly Creek Administrative team: Jill, Marnie and Jenn

Test-Taking Strategies that Work

What to do before a test:

• Get a good night’s sleep.

• Eat breakfast and drink water before you begin to test. Your body needs fuel to perform well.

• Stay positive. Think of the test like a game between you and yourself!

• Come prepared to your test on time.

What to do during a test:

• Scan the whole session immediately to see what kinds of reading passages, math problems and questions are on the test. Know what to expect!

• Read the questions two times and eliminate answers that don’t belong in your head.

• When working on the Reading sessions, read the questions first before beginning the passage. You need purpose to read efficiently.

• Pay attention to the time you are given. Return to questions that may have challenged you and CHECK YOUR WORK!

• Breathe deep and stay confident. You can do this!