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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tonight's Homework

This was explained in class, materials were given.

Think of a real problem around the world. (homelessness, hunger, war, disasters, disease) Think of an invention that would solve that problem.

On the lined paper write a paragraph explaining your invention. Remember that a paragraph starts with a topic sentence and includes three supporting details.

On the blank paper, draw a picture or diagram illustrating your invention.

Use your TFK for inspiration.

Spelling Unit 12 is also due.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last week in November

Long time, no post!

This week we have started our CSAP (soon to be named TCAP) test prep unit. We are reviewing strategies for answering multiple choice questions and constructed responses. In addition, we are writing to prompts and reviewing rubrics to assess and improve our writing.

On Wednesday, students had Book Club meeting number 4. Remember book club notebooks are due each Tuesday of the week.

In poetry, we practiced "multiple readings for multiple meanings". First we use the five finger overview. Next we read for enjoyment. Then we read for deeper meaning and understanding.

Spelling Test and Reading Logs on Friday. Lets get  100%

Did you read your Thanksgiving Poem to your family? What was their reaction?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gobble Gobble

Have a safe and relaxing break. We will start a new unit when we return. This week we had book club and celebrate our feature articles. Please check your child's book club notebook which is due on Tuesday.

gobble gobble

Mr. Rabinowitz

Thursday, November 17, 2011



We have several cases of lice at school in the last few weeks. Here is some information about lice and how to treat it. Please check your kids tonight!

Here is what we know about lice:

• Lice like clean hair, not dirty hair

• They like to hang out at the base of the neck and behind the ears

• You will rarely see the actual bug; you will see the nits (eggs). They are white and stick to the hair shaft, so sometimes they look like dandruff. If you blow on dandruff it will dislodge from the hair shaft, a nit will stay put. You need a nit comb or fingernail to scrap it off.

What can parents do?

• Check your kids hair

• Remind kids not to share hats, hoodies, combs/brushes, or hair accessories

My kid has lice, now what?

• According to the experts ‘natural’ and ‘homemade’ remedies just don’t work. Get a lice specific shampoo from the grocery/drug store and use it in conjunction with a nit comb. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor for suggestions.

• Wash and dry (for at least 30 minutes) all bedding, stuffed animals, and pillows

• Watch this video for a detailed description of lice and how to remove. Go to for more suggestions and pictures.

Denver Public School‘s policy is that it is recommended to use the shampoo before having your child return to school.



IT’S TIME FOR WINTER CAMP AT THE Mizel Museum during Winter Break!

Winter Lights, Winter Sparks {December 19-23, 2011}

Join Artist-in-Residence and professional puppeteer and performing artist, Betsy Tobin on an unforgettable journey that includes mixed media art, photography, storytelling, shadow theatre and service projects. This camp is a celebration of worldwide festivals that light up the dark days of winter and the unique spark of young people.

Grades 1-6
9am-3pm. For more information call: Jan Nadav 303-749-5015 or see:

Scholarships available.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No School

No School on Thursday and Friday
Spend your time reading your book club book and working on your final copy of your feature article.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This week we are editing our Feature Articles. Students traveled to the computer lab to print out pictures to use as text features. In addition, students looked at types of text structure. All non-fiction text is organized by its structure. Identifying text structure will allow one to focus on the ideas of the text. Examples of text structure include: sequence, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and description. All types of text have 'signal words' that reveal the type of structure.

Spelling will resume next week.
Reading Logs are due this Wednesday.
Book Club will start on Wednesday. A family letter was sent home on Monday explaining the purpose and expectations of Book Club.

In case you didn't know, NO school on Thursday and Friday

Happy Trails,
Mr. Rabinowitz

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Students go outside every day for recess. Please make sure that they are dressed appropriately to be outside for up to 25 minutes at a time. We are all aware of how fast the weather in Colorado can change so it would be great if students always have access to a hat, pair of gloves and boots in their backpack. The sun is also very intense in Colorado; please make sure your student has sunscreen applied before coming to school. We check the temperature/ wind chill and generally will go out if students won’t get wet or it is 15 degrees or higher. We ask that all students create an inside recess bag. Please place items a child can play with in a gallon bag in case we need to keep them in at recess time. Items such as puzzles, games, books, small toys (that don’t leave their hand) are all good items. Please no expensive electronic devices.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hey all,

Attached is the yearbook order form for this year. It is easier, and greener, if they can fill it out and order online. However, if you need to print it and send it home, please do .

Our first yearbook is now ready to order! This full-color book will showcase ECE-5th grade students, staff, events and activities from the 2011-2012 school year, plus student artwork. Yearbooks will be sold at the discounted price of $20 until January 5th, 2012. Orders placed after January 5th will be $25.

To order online go to (There is a $2 service fee for online orders.)

If you have questions, contact Kathy Epperson at

I am also working with the 5th graders to put the book together in school, so email me with any questions.

Please,please, please upload any pictures you get to the snapfish site you saw last week so we can start putting the book together after fall break!


Alicia FaJohn

Dinner Date

Tired of cooking, not sure what to have for dinner, well the PTA has it covered for at least two evenings this month and next. Please mark your calendars for November 16th dinner at Chipotle and December 15th at Root Down. If you haven’t been to Root Down this is a fabulous opportunity to try some of the yummiest food in Denver! Both restaurants will be giving a generous proportion back to the school

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Friday and Halloween Humor

On Friday will be having a spelling test, and writing some scary sensory stories. At 2:30 4th graders will particpate in the school parade. Students walk around the building as a school. Afterwards we will be having a party in the classrooms.

I found this on the internet:
What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?

Answer is backwards (oobmab)

Do you know any Halloween humor?
Mr. Rabinowitz

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Field Trip

Our first field trip is to DAD’s Landfill on October 19th.
We are leaving the school at 11:00 and then going to Central Park to eat lunch.
Students need to bring a sack lunch. Those getting hot lunch will get a sack lunch.
Then we are going to the landfill where we will have a bus tour of the landfill.
The tour should be around an hour long- 12:30-1:30 and then we will come back to the school.

We will not need any chaperones.

4th grade team


This site was created for all families and staff to download pictures for the yearbook. Please ask your families to download pictures from any and all events and to label whatever they can...names, events, dates, etc.

Go to

Log on to the school site for pictures and upload your pictures from the latest event.

Here is the login information:

password : stapleton

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Dear 4th Grade Parents:

Pattie Glassick is in need of several volunteers to help prepare the 4th Grade Art Show next week.

She would like 2 volunteers to mat (and hang) art on Monday, October 10. Ideally, she would like the volunteers to come anytime between 11:45-1:45 (herplanning and lunch) so that she can take time to give the volunteers directions.

She would also like 2 volunteers to come on Tuesday, October 11 between 11:45-1:45 to finish matting and hanging the remaining pieces.
Please email me at with your name, phone number and day you are able to volunteer.

Best wishes,
Emily Kosakowski

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Up in the Sky


UARS, a NASA satellite the size of a small bus, will re-enter Earth's atmosphere later this week producing a brilliant fireball somewhere over our planet. Best estimates place the re-entry time during the late hours of Sept. 23rd over a still-unknown region of Earth. Observers of the rapidly-decaying satellite say it is tumbling and flashing, sometimes almost as brightly as Venus. It’s re-entry may cause a fireball bright enough to be seen during daylight hours! Images of the UARS have also been shown on the SpaceWeather website:

If you would like to catch a last glimpse of UARS streaking across the night sky, check Space Weather's Satellite Tracker for flyby times: . You can also turn your smartphone into a UARS tracker by downloading our Simple Flybys app:

New subscribers can sign up for free space weather alerts at: It’s well worth your while to do so!

Ralph Sodano
Steele Planetarium

Monday, October 3, 2011


Dear 4th Grade Parents:

Pattie Glassick is in need of several volunteers to help prepare the 4th Grade Art Show next week.

She would like 2 volunteers to mat (and hang) art on Monday, October 10. Ideally, she would like the volunteers to come anytime between 11:45-1:45 (herplanning and lunch) so that she can take time to give the volunteers directions.

She would also like 2 volunteers to come on Tuesday, October 11 between 11:45-1:45 to finish matting and hanging the remaining pieces.
Please email me at with your name, phone number and day you are able to volunteer.

Best wishes,
Emily Kosakowski

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Writing Celebration and goals.

This weekend, I have been correcting wonderful personal narratives. You will enjoy reading and hearing them. The final copies are also used for year long writing goals. We will have a writing party.

Parents are welcome to join at either time or both. Regardless, the writing will be saved for conferences and year long portfolios.

Am: Tuesday 9:20-9:50 and 10:45-12:15
Pm: Tuesday 1:30-3:30

Students' schedule to be determined on Monday.

Both classes. Encore and make ups: Friday at 3:15

Enjoy the vanishing daylight!

- knowledge is power

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Dear DPS Employees:
Tomorrow, Friday, September 23, more than 100 different agencies from around the greater Denver metropolitan area will be participating in a full-scale emergency exercise. This exercise, called Operation Mountain Guardian, is a terrorism-based simulation exercise that will begin as early as 5 a.m. in some locations and may last until 5:30 p.m.
The main exercise locations will be: Union Station, Smedley Elementary School (a vacant DPS school building), Park Meadows Mall, the Lowry Campus of the Community College of Aurora, Denver Health, Sky Ridge Medical Center, University Hospital and Sports Authority Field/Mile High Stadium.
The exercise at times will include loud noises, simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other equipment that will be audible and visible throughout the day near the above locations.
The purpose of this advisory is to alert as many people as possible about the exercise, the specific locations, and the activities to help avoid confusion or concern.
If you have any questions, please call 3-1-1 or Denver’s Joint Information Center (after 8 a.m.) at 720-865-7695.

Cool Local Website for Writing

Metro Denver Promotion of Letters (MDPL)We envision a writing community for students in Denver where they can enjoy writing. More often than not, schools cannot provide a place in which creativity and discovery receive one-on-one attention. Students too often view writing as yet another task for which they will be assessed and graded. We hope to help them understand that writing is a vehicle for expression and communication, for publication and storytelling.

99 Ways to Love Your Child

Accept Admire Adore Advise Advocate Aid Allow Amaze Answer Applaud

Appreciate Approve Ask Assist Assure Attend Believe Care Carry

Celebrate Challenge Champion Charm Cheer Cherish Comfort Commit Compliment

Confide Consider Console Defend Devote Discipline Discover

Educate Empathize Empower Encourage Endorse Enlighten Excite Explain

Guide Hear Hold Honor Hope Hug Imagine Influence Inspire Involve Join

Kiss Know Laugh Learn Like Limit Listen Marvel Motivate Need Notice

Nourish Nurture Observe Offer Participate Play Please Praise Protect

Provide Recognize Regard Respect Respond Show Smile Speak Squeeze

Stimulate Suggest Supervise Support Surprise Talk Teach Thank Train

Treasure Trust Understand Value Watch Wish Wonder.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, September 20th

In grammar we identfied the subject (the who or what ) and predicate (what the dubject is or does) of a sentence.

To supplement the lesson, we watched a school house rocks video on Subject and Predicate. This video talks about Mr. Morton and what he does.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Hello 4th grade families!

As you all know, WCE PTA grants a very large amount of money to the school each year to help fund paraprofessionals, buy technology, fund the library technologist (Mr. Jay), as well as many other things. They are currently getting ready to kick off the 20111-2012 GAP Drive to help raise funds to fulfill their commitment to the school for $136,000. There are two parties coming up on September 25th and September 30th where you can go to learn about why they fundraise and where the money specifically goes. Details of the parties can be found here as well as where to RSVP Of course, if you cannot attend you can always find information on the PTA website, about why fundraising is so critical to the success of our children's education. You can also ask any teacher why having paras in the classroom is so critical!

Please consider attending a party as they are a lot of fun, a great night out, good food and beverages, and also a GREAT cause! You can donate directly online if you prefer not to attend a party at

You can set up a monthly withdrawl which makes it so EASY to give and is much easier on the checkbook by spreading out your donation throughout the year!!!!

As always, the teachers and students thank you for helping to "Bridge the GAP" between the true cost of educating our children and the funds provided by DPS!!

Noah Rabinowitz

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Today in 4th Grade

In writing, we enjoyed a mini lesson on the various purposes we write for. We write to inform, to entertain, and to persuade. At the end of our lesson, we check our understanding at the following link

In reading, we discussed the importance of punctuation marks for signalling. For practice we tried reading numbers. Lots of fun!
89123? 345. 45678? 89123. 789. 234567. 56789? 91234. 89123? 1234. 123? 456. 789? 123. 5678! 91234.

Next week we will start writing our personal narratives and learn additional reading strategies.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Spelling City

4th graders have four activities to complete at Each student was given a username and password.

In reading workshop, we learned about written responses to explain our thinking and deepen our understanding of the text. Our responses today centered around a read aloud. Ask your child about the book titled Baseball Saved Us. Who was the guard?

Tomorrow we will develop a checklist/rubric for reading responses.

In writing, classmates helped each other with story ideas by asking questions of what was omitted or needs to be added to the writing. Many found this process beneficial.

Remember no school on Friday!

Happy Trails,
Mr. Rabinowitz

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Spelling City

Spelling city is up and running. The AM class will get their passwords on Friday. Assignments have changed so you might have to start over if you have already completed one. Nevertheless, I applaud those that have already started.



Today we completed day 2 of our district writing benchmark.
On Friday we will have our first spelling test.
Please remind your child to ask you to sign their reading log.
Check out Student user names are being entered soon.

Enjoy your day

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Proper Nouns Game


Tuesday, September 6th

Welcome back,
Today we sorted our spelling cards by vowel sound.
We also clarified the differences between proper nouns (We salute them) and common nouns (we twiddle our thumbs).
However, as one student pointed out, why don't we capitalize iPods and iPhones.

RESPOND: Why don't we capitalize iPods, and iPhones?

HOMEWORK: Spelling is due tomorrow! Don't forget. If you lose your copy, you can get an extra copy from me or call a friend.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Good afternoon fourth graders and families. In writing, we flushed out stories ideas from literature and connecting them to our own experiences. In reading, we used fluency phones (ask your 4th grader!) to make sure that the words we read match the text that we hear as we read. All of them can read, but I want to become become READERS!
We also used criteria based decision making to select how we should select the CREEK KID each week.


See you later,
Mr. Rabinowitz

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday's Homework


If you are reading this you are halfway done with your homework assignment. In your planner, UNDER THE BICYCLE ON PAGE 17, please write down your first name backwards and underline it twice. On Thursday, I will check your planner.

Feel free to leave a comment!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Houghton Mifflin Spelling Link

The following link should direct you to online games and activities for spelling

4th grade uses the 2006 edition.

Tuesday, August 30

Good Day,
Thank you for reading the blog. We are continuning to normalize our rituals and routines. In addition, we created and decorated our writer's notebooks.
Yesterday we started grammar and discussed kind of sentences. Today we plan to have a spelling asssessment, a firedrill, and generate ideas for writing.
Please remember to sign your child's reading log.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 2

This week we will create our reading and writing notebooks. We will also review the mini lesson and workshop format.

-knowledge is power

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Welcome back

This blog will be for the 4th graders during the 2011-2012 school year.

-knowledge is power

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Field Day INFO

*It is on Friday May, 13th

*We are tye dyeing shirts again this year. A white cotton t-shirt needs to be turned in no later than Monday May 2nd. Please put their name on the shirt somewhere with a black permanent marker.

*Outside of every classroom is a sign up sheet to volunteer for field day.


Dear WCE Families,

Welcome Back! I hope you had a great week with your children and are ready for the last two months of school. Yes, can you believe it we have two months left in the 2010/2011 school year. As we begin to plan for the upcoming year we need your help. The Collaborative School Committee would like to get your input to prioritize next year’s fundraising goals. The survey will take less than 5 minutes and you will be providing valuable input. We appreciate your time and devotion to WCE!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Country Reports

All students have selected a country for our next unit on research report writing.
We assembled our folders. Later this week we will write business letters to tourist offices to request more information.

Book Club: March 9, 2011

Book Club will occur at normal times this week.
11:00 for the AM
2:30 for the PM

Thank you so much

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Save the Date. March 19th

Parent Leadership Institute - Parenting for a Successful Future: Birth through College
Parent Leadership Institute
Affiliation:Parent Engagement Office

When: Saturday, March 19, 2011 – 08:00 AM to 2:30 PM

Where: Auraria Campus (900 Auraria Parkway, Denver CO 80204)

Contact: Anna Banuelos – 720-423-3054 or

Additional Location Information:

Featuring keynote speaker, Carlotta Walls LaNier, youngest member of the Little Rock Nine, pioneers of integration

Parents, staff and community members can select from a variaty of workshops that include information about emotinal intelligence, college prparation, scholarships, child and youth developement. There will also be resources tables for participants to access and ask questions.

The goals is to provide educational opportunies that assist and empower participants to support students in their education and to effectively serve on school committees such as the Collaborative School Committee, English Language Acquisition Program Parent Advisory Committee at their school.

***Reserve you space, by calling 720-423-3054***

Transportation and childcare will be provided for children 3-11 years of age.

For more information contact: 720-423-3054 or

This event is Sponsored by: Denver Public Schools Office of Parent Engagement , Auraria Campus Event Services-Auraria Campus, Community College of Denver, the University of Colorado at Denver, and Metropolitan State College of Denver.

Run Lola Run

Register now for Girls on the Run!
Meets Mon/Weds 3:45-5:00 starting March 7th.
Be a part of the fun…Join us at Girls on the Run!

So… What is Girls on the Run?
Stretch yourself – physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Girls will be inspired to a lifetime of self-respect and a healthy lifestyle through an innovative program that combines training for a 3.1 mile run/walk race with a fun, health education lesson plan. This program promotes individual achievement and self –confidence. Girls gain self-esteem and learn healthy lifestyle habits while training for a 5K run/walk race.

Girls on the Run is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping girls stay out of the “Girl Box” – a place where girls are valued more for their outward appearance than their character inside. We are working to reduce at-risk behaviors such as substance abuse, eating disorders, teen pregnancy, and poor nutrition.

What if I don’t like to run?
We use the term “running” loosely – girls can run, hop, skip, speed walk or dance towards their goals. The lessons promote self-challenge instead of competition; self-worth instead of societal worth; and cooperation instead of rivalry.

Our goals for each girl are to:
Understand her place in the community.
Have strong sense of identity.
Learn how to give and receive support in a group.
Learn to stand up for herself in a healthy manner.
Have an improved body image.
Complete a 5K run/walk event in the community.

Register now. Starts the week of March 7th
Go to and to learn more about this program.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Tea

The tea was a huge hit. Thank you for making it happen. If you could not attend, make sure to ask your child about it. Have you read the compliment they were given by a classmate. I hope this becomes an annual tradition for 4th grade.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day

Hello everyone,

Please sign up to help with the upcoming 4th Grade Valentine's Tea Party.

The 4th graders will be doing a writing assignment in class to read at the tea and we will serve the kids as if it is a formal tea party. We ask that every child bring a tea cup and spoon for their tea and we will bring the rest. We did ask for extra cups in the sly reply just in case some kids do not have one at home. Please feel free to ask Colleen Lampron or Molly Nearpass any questions about the party. The kids will be asked to dress up including ties for the boys.

set up at 1:00
Tea time 1:30-3:30
clean up at 3:30

Click the link below to view the message

Thank you,
Molly and Colleen

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Come learn how the state of Colorado's budget could impact Westerly Creek Elementary next year. Please come to our school’s next CSC Community Meeting on Tuesday, February 8 at 6:30 pm in the Library. We would like to share with you the key points that will impact schools and gather feedback as we begin to plan. In sum, we want to share what our areas of strength were in budgeting for our current school year, what areas of need we see in 2011-2012, and how state and district budget projections may impact our planning.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Great Migrations

The Freedom to Roam Coalition (FTR) brings together the best in business, government and conservation to raise awareness and commitment for wildlife corridors and connected landscapes. As a part of the Coalition’s Campaign for Corridors, FTR Steering Team member National Geographic produced its Great Migrations series, a seven-part global television event that takes viewers around the world on the arduous journeys millions of animals undertake to ensure the survival of their species. To learn more about the series, please visit

To create awareness and to educate youth and their families on the importance of conserving landscapes and ultimately the wildlife that inhabit them.

National Geographic will provide Freedom to Roam the specially packaged 1-hour screening footage.

Friday, February 4 from 6:30 to 9:00pm, we anticipate a two-hour event: one hour of screening, with opening and closing comments by Freedom to Roam staff and local supporters.

Westerly Creek Elementary
8800 E. 28th Ave

Valentine's Day

We will be exchanging Valentines right after our tea. Each student should bring a container to collect Valentines. Bringing Valentines is optional, but if your child does bring them, please bring one for every student in his or her homeroom class. Class lists have gone home in their Thursday Folders.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Message from csc

You have a stake in our children's future and you have a stake in Westerly Creek
Come learn how the state of Colorado's budget could impact Westerly Creek Elementary next year. 
Help chart the path for our continued success.
Attend the Collaborative School Committee (CSC) Community meeting,
Tuesday, Feb.1, 6:30pm, in the Library
 We would like to share with you the key points that will impact schools and gather feedback as we begin to plan. We want to share what our areas of strength were in budgeting for our current school year, what areas of need we see in 2011-2012, and how state and district budget projections may impact our planning.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr.

4th graders will be taking home a copy of the "I have a dream" speech. Part of the homework is to read it over with you this weekend. Please spend the time and read aloud this moving living document with your child.

Next week we are starting the rough drafts of our fiction stories.
Ask them about their story maps!!

Have a great weekend.

Rap in the Classroom

We listened to some rap this week to learn about the elements of fiction.
Ask your child to sing the chorus. It's quite catchy!

Valentine's Day Workshop

Come join Metro Denver Promotion of Letters (MDPL) and create poetry for personalized Valentine’s Day cards, as well as the cards themselves! This workshop is two sessions on two Saturdays. The first Saturday will be in two parts. The first half of the day we will write poetry and brainstorm poems for our loved ones -- and for others. The second half of the day we will create beautiful works of art in the shape of Valentine’s Day cards. The second Saturday we will spend at The Tattered Cover, where we will offer our cards and poetic services to anyone who would like a custom-made Valentine’s Day card -- written and created by us! We will sell these cards for $5 each, and the proceeds will all go to benefit MDPL and its programs (as well as to pay for the art supplies!). Snacks will be provided, but students should bring a lunch.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
10 am - 3 pm
at Colorado High School Charter
1175 Osage Street


Saturday, February 5th, 2011
10 am - 4 pm
in the Tattered Cover Colfax basement
2526 East Colfax Avenue at Elizabeth Street

This workshop is free, but does require a $25 deposit. The deposit will be fully refunded (or you may donate it to us) with completion of the two full days of the workshop.

You may register one of three ways:
1) log in to our website at
and fill out the form.
2) email MDPL at and include student’s name, age, guardian’s name, phone number contact, and email contact.
3) call Amanda at 303-396-4100 to register.

Space is limited, so sign up soon! Your deposit guarantees your spot.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bad Weather


• On inside days, please send students who arrive before 8:55am and are not eating breakfast to the gym. Kaleidoscope is also using the gym and will supervise their students on the right side of the room. Miss Katie will supervise our other students on the left side of the gym.

• At 8:55am, classroom teachers who ordinarily pick their students up from the blacktop will pick these students up from the gym.

• Any students who arrive between 8:55 and 9:00am should report directly to his/her classroom and those that arrive after 9:00am will need to sign in at the main office and then report to his/her classroom.

Dress them warm for the elements!!

Six Minute Solution

We a have started the six minute solution. The Six Minute Solution is a reading fluency program. "The goal of the program is to help teachers provide students with concentrated practice on phonetic elements, sight word vocabulary, and expository passage reading in order to build overall reading fluency and boost achievement."

"Six Minute Solution is based on the research of repeated readings and peer-assisted learning strategies, and partner reading is the primary activity of the program."

addtional information can be found at

or google six minute solution.

Better yet, ask your child about what he or she does during the six minute solution.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Say it ain't snow

Instructional Programming at Westerly Creek, 2011-2012 School Year

5th grade
Westerly Creek will have two classrooms next year. If demand exceeds this for WCE and William Roberts’ projections, an additional classroom will be established at WCE to meet the needs of the community.

2nd , 3rd and 4th Grade
Westerly Creek will have four classrooms for each grade level next year. An ideal class size is 25 students per classroom.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year

We will see you all tomorrow. Remember we are flip-flopping schedules. Those that had Ms. Grant in the morning, will now start in my room for literacy. Consequently, those that started the day with me in 2010 will start in Ms. Grant's room.

On Wednesday, students will receive their book club books and notebooks but we will NOT have a formal meeting.

Don't forget your signed reading log for Friday!