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Thursday, November 17, 2011



We have several cases of lice at school in the last few weeks. Here is some information about lice and how to treat it. Please check your kids tonight!

Here is what we know about lice:

• Lice like clean hair, not dirty hair

• They like to hang out at the base of the neck and behind the ears

• You will rarely see the actual bug; you will see the nits (eggs). They are white and stick to the hair shaft, so sometimes they look like dandruff. If you blow on dandruff it will dislodge from the hair shaft, a nit will stay put. You need a nit comb or fingernail to scrap it off.

What can parents do?

• Check your kids hair

• Remind kids not to share hats, hoodies, combs/brushes, or hair accessories

My kid has lice, now what?

• According to the experts ‘natural’ and ‘homemade’ remedies just don’t work. Get a lice specific shampoo from the grocery/drug store and use it in conjunction with a nit comb. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor for suggestions.

• Wash and dry (for at least 30 minutes) all bedding, stuffed animals, and pillows

• Watch this video for a detailed description of lice and how to remove. Go to for more suggestions and pictures.

Denver Public School‘s policy is that it is recommended to use the shampoo before having your child return to school.


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