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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Student Directory Form

The form is at and there is a green link that says Student Directory Form. It is super easy and the more families fill it out, the more families we can invite to participate in volunteering and direct giving (for money for your classrooms!!!!)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Week #2; last week of August

Dear 4th grade families,
We are in our second full week of school. Many students have started their new classroom jobs. Students took home their spelling for the week. The spelling worksheet is due Friday or earlier. Reading and writing lessons will relate to launching the workshop format. On Monday, we discussed the various purposes for reading. Don't forget to be in line to start school at 8:55, not walking towards the line. Back to school night is Tuesday at 6:00.

Happy trails,
Mr. Rabinowitz

What is the next letter in this series? J, F, M, A, M, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Full Week #1

Good Afternoon fourth graders and fourth grade families,
This week we started reading workshop and writing workshop. Students took a Unit 1 pre-assessment, spelling assessment, created self-portraits, and practiced many our daily routines. Their homework is to write down the following word on their planners: RUHBARB. In writing, we are working on our animal masks, which should be complete by Friday. The mask will be up by Back-To-School-Night.

That is all for now! Leave a comment or email me at

Many Thanks,
Mr. Rabinowitz

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Welcome back

Dear 4th grade students and families,
I hope you are all having an enjoyable summer. I am writing to you as I hear distant rumbling thunder from my house. Before long we will back in the classroom. Until then, think about the book you are currently reading and last paragraph you wrote. Begin to plan out where you are going to do your homework.

Happy Trails,
Mr. Rabinowitz