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Sunday, September 16, 2012

2 Exemplars of the Reading Log Meta Response

On the back of each week's reading log, there is a Meta-Response prompt. The meta-response lets students write about what they are thinking as they read. Below are two of many exemplars from first two weeks of school. Each one is from a different class.

When I was reading: Sea of Monster, I though about: the time I play dodge ball at recess because in the book, Percy plays dodge ball against monsters and they have fire balls!

When I was reading: Mallory's Super Sleepover, I though about: why her friend Mary had ideas and was changing things. When it was Mallory's 10th birthday. Also why she didn't do anything when a water balloon fight went wrong.

All Students are strongly encouraged to fill this out.

Happy Trails,
Mr. Rabinowitz

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