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Monday, April 23, 2012


You will present information you have learned about your country starting the week of April 30. What you choose to present is entirely up to you. Be creative! You will have a maximum of 10 minutes to present. The criteria for your presentation is:

• your presentation must be rehearsed
• be creative
• be prepared and show what you know
• you must be able to answer questions relating to the topic of your presentation

I know many of you have already started planning your presentations and have some great ideas. Here is a list of ways you can present your research project.

poetry stories diaries interviews
plays time lines puppet show construct model
3-D maps readers theater diorama make costumes
mural models illustrations video presentation
recipes filmstrips display boards script for radio show
alphabet books brochures
You are not limited to these ideas. Use your imagination and make your presentation uniquely yours. What’s important is that you are showing me what you have learned and that you have a deep understanding of the information you have studied.
Happy Presenting!


  1. Did you say to try to avoid power points?

  2. Taughfeek,
    A PowerPoint is a great way to share what you know about Afghanistan. I challenge you to present more than just a copy of your report in your slides. You could talk about pictures that you show. I hope that clarifies your thinking.
    Mr. Rabinowitz

  3. It is okay that I did a powerpoint with short captions about the title right?

