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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

First Week in November

The sugar is starting to wear off!

This week we are developing more non-fiction reading strategies. We "skim" the surface of an article by first looking at text features. This gives us a general idea of the article. From there we ask specific questions that we hope the text might answer. Now we "scan" for keywords that might provide the answer. Skimming and scanning are great comprehension skills to acquire and apply. They also come in handy when answering csap questions.

For our feature articles we are in the prewriting stage by working on our outlines. On Tuesday, we practiced three ways to hook the reader with great leads. On Wednesday we will discuss conclusions. Next week we plan on drafting.

Book club starts wednesday! Boys and girls will get their books and notebooks. Lemonade will be served!

Thank you for attending your chilld's conference! We are glad you came.

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