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Tuesday, April 30, 2013


On Wednesday there will be Interim testing and a CREEK KID assembly. This means book club will be at 9:15-10:00 for am class and 11:55-12:40 for pm class.

Mr. Rabinowitz

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Snow Day School

Good morning, anyang, buenos Dias, class:
Hopefully you are enjoying your day. This is a good day for reading inside. Today you should try to read for at least 30 minutes without stopping. What did you read? 

Right now,looking out the window,  the falling snow looks like out of control popcorn. How would you describe the snow?

This video link shows a way to measure snow:

How would you measure snow? How much snow fell where you are?

Relax and enjoy your day,
Mr. Rabinowitz

 PS Feel free to leave positive comments/questions in complete sentences for your classmates.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Video Homework: Due Wednesday

Today we watched some videos in class. Tonight for homework students are to choose a video and write why their chosen video should be watched by others. Writing can be turned in electronically on the blog, via email, or on paper. This assignment is to prepare them for writing a book review. Video recommendation should include the following:
Title of video
Strong lead
Reason why they think others should watch this video
Specific examples from their notes that support their opinions

Below are the links

Top secret drums

Bottle Movie

Ode to Joy in Spain


Happy Trails,
Mr. Rabinowitz

Monday, April 1, 2013

New Unit

Welcome back. I hope you all had an enjoyable break. Today we began our new instructional unit. Over the next few weeks, 4th graders will complete an author study and write a book review. In addition, we will resume book club, start a new read aloud, and go on several field trips.

Students: What did you enjoy over break? Do you have any other questions? Please post a response

Welcome back,
Mr. Rabinowitz