Hi. Happy New Year.
This post will try to update what going on in room 141 and in 4th grade. Please email or leave replies on the blog if you need additional information.
Country Reports:
Each student is researching a different nation around the world and has developed questions that will guide their research. Students will write down in two-columns of they find in their research. Their notes will turn into non-fiction paragraphs. The writing will be revised, edited, and reviewed before being published. Text features will be added as well. Plagarism, bibliographies, note-taking, maps, and computer skills will also be covered. Our celebration of the writing will be sometime in Early March. Please support your child's learning.
In the spring every student will take the DRA2 which is a standardized reading test that measures fluency and written comprehension. To help with students' oral fluency, students will practice using the six-min-solution for ten weeks. Each week, pairs of students read for one minute of a non-fiction passage and record their correct word per minute scores. These scores are then graphed. Ask you child about "What is Fluency".
Spelling and Word Study:
To complement the spelling program, we will begin to study Greek and Latin roots. Every several days students will write down roots and derivatives on index cards which they will collect. A variety of activities will be integrated to help master these roots and how they connect to other words. This will come in handy when solving word problems from crosswords to standardized tests.
Student Led conferences:
This will happen in February before President's Day. Information has been sent home. We plan on 100% attendance by fourth graders and their families. Individual conferences will also be scheduled for students greatly below grade level before or after student led conferences.
Prepare for handwriting homework being sent home. Although I strongly believe in the use of technology, students that are able to write in cursive will save time when writing or note-taking.
Valentine's Day:
In 4th grade, student have a high formal tea. Students dress up and learn basic table manners. Moreover, student read aloud pre-assigned compliments to each other. Parents are encouraged to attend or volunteer. Contact any room parent for ways to be involved.
This year:
I am lucky have two great classes with wonderful students. Thank you for all that you do. Continue to get them to school on time, check their backpacks, set aside time to read DAILY, and ask about their day.
Happy Trails,
Mr. Rabinowitz