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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This week

In addition to getting a large couch, we are drafting our personal narratives. In reading workshop, we practiced using our schema to activate prior knowledge before and during our reading. Previous lessons dealt with punctuation clues and rereading parts of texts. On Wednesday, we went to our first assembly. There was a presentation about recycling in schools.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week of September 13-16

Dear 4th grade families,

Time for Kids has arrived. We will be using them weekly in many ways. The articles are especially useful for our upcoming unit on non-fiction feature articles.

Spelling Words related short i and long i vowel sounds.

Ask your child about one of our brain breaks. Can they demonstrate them to you?

Our classroom library is growing, thank you for the donations.

Mr. Rabinowitz

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Rosh Hashanah

Dear fourth grade familes,
We have completed two of our three interim assesments.

"The primary goal of the interim testing program is to assess how well students are progressing toward proficiency on state standards addressed by the curriculum throughout the school year. The test results provide detailed information to assist school staff in meeting the instructional needs of their students." (

If you would like more information about school assessments visit

Please don't forget to sign your child's weekly reading log.

Mr. Rabinowitz